Wednesday, September 26, 2012

We'll try not to let celebrity go to our heads*

WUSA TV's Bruce Leshan, Chamber of Commerce Executive Officer Melanie Milliken and the WUSA TV cameraman who was strangely interested in sandwich-making technique. Oh...and Wyckedly Good Cupcakes!
I'm told we can expect more days like this. When your business is in a town called "Romney" in an elections year with a candidate of the same name, the media is bound to sooner or later take notice.

It started quietly enough -- a reporter from a Pittsburgh paper spent a few days here at the cafe, interviewing various citizens and soaking in the atmosphere. This resulted in this literary quote: " the Courthouse Corner Cafe." What poetry!

So yesterday it was WUSA TV out of Washington, D.C., who sent reporter Bruce Leshan and a cameraman (sorry, one got your name...) to opinions of ... people who live in a town with the same name as a presidential candidate...I guess...

Okay, yeah. One of those pseudo-political fluff pieces. They visited both Democrats' and Republicans' campaign headquarters. They asked our opinion on the election but we, of course have no opinion. I'll pour coffee for socialists, tea partiers, Pilgrims or Hugenots. I'll make a panini for Libertarians, Albanians or Moonies. I'll make paninis for Libertarian Albanian Moonies.

So, if you happen to live in the Washington, D.C., area and you happen to be tuned to WUSA Channel 9 between 5 and 7:30 p.m., you may (or may not...) see me making a panini to any Libertarian Abanian Moony who might want one.**

*or to employ that tired Andy Warhol quote about 15 seconds of fame.

**I'm told you can see the piece on their website after 7:30 p.m.

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